How To Grow Beet Microgreens at Home

by Lettuce Be | Last Updated: 12/05/2021

When you eat mature beets to reap their health benefits, you’re likely to be pleased to know that microgreens offer even more nutrients and taste even better, as well as growing much faster! You should have learned how to grow beet microgreens a long time ago!

Plants called microgreens grow in a matter of weeks, are generally high in nutritional value, and are easy to grow anywhere. Microgreens are gaining popularity as a method for growing food; they can be harvested in a matter of weeks and can be grown practically anywhere. But, what makes growing microgreens so easy is the fact that they can hold a variety of plants. Each one requires just a tray, so you can grow an endless supply of your favorite microgreens.

Health Benefits of Beet Microgreens

grow beet microgreensAside from being fun and relatively easy to grow, beet microgreens offer a surprising number of health benefits:

Glowing Skin

Beet microgreens contain several minerals and levels of nutrients that help your body to get rid of dead skin cells and encourage the growth of new ones. The result is healthy skin that is almost glowing. Moreover, these minerals will even help to remove toxins from your body, allowing it to function more efficiently.

Healthy Liver

Beet microgreens, in particular betaine, help your liver produce enzymes that help remove toxins from the body, boost regeneration, and even help burn fat! The result is a healthier liver capable of fighting off infection.

Prevent Hair Loss

In old age, hair loss is generally caused by a deficiency in minerals and essential vitamins (1). Beet microgreens contain high levels of potassium, iron, and electrolytes, all of which help to repair hair and prevent it from falling out.

Cancer Prevention

Beet microgreens contain carotenoids, flavonoids, and plenty of vitamins that can protect you from lung or mouth cancer.

Learn how to grow beet microgreens with this guide:


It’s best to start with at least a 10×20 grow tray, but you can choose any container, according to how much you anticipate eating. The best way to eat beet microgreens is fresh. Therefore, it is important to have drainage holes in the dry tray and a watering tray under it for the microgreens since they do not wish to be immersed in too much cold water.

You’ll need to pick the appropriate growing medium for your beet plants. They prefer some layers of soil because of their intricate root system, but it’s a good idea to use 80% sterilized soil and 20% earthworm castings. This will provide more juicy nutrients for your plants. Put the soil mix in the tray, you will need about 1-inch worth. Do not, however, squash it down to make it compacted.


A 10×20 tray can hold approximately six tablespoons of microgreens seeds, spread evenly across the surface. The growing medium should be moistened before you spread the high-quality beet seeds. To do this, soak it with clean water, then let it drain into the tray underneath.
Since the seeds of blood beet microgreens are pods with many seeds inside, you’ll need to gently plant them into the fluffy soil, and make sure they’re completely covered. Alternatively, you can sprinkle an extra soil mix over them once you’ve planted them. Once the tray is complete, cover it and leave it for 4-5 days. They will not need water during this time.


If this does not happen, you can check each day to make sure it is happening, but at this point, you do not need to make any changes to your plants. After about 5-6 days the emerging plants will begin to shed their hulls. At this point you can remove the cover and relocate the plants for them to under 4-8 hours of light; it does not have to be full sunlight. You can also use grow lights or any bright light.
If you prefer, you can add water to the tray beneath the growing medium (water them from the bottom) or spray them with a fine mist.


Within the next 10-15 days, you’ll simply need to monitor the plants to ensure they’re getting enough water with a spray bottle, but not drowning. Once you see the green leaves opening, they’ll be green with red veins, so they’re ready to harvest. Don’t forget that grown beet leaves will only appear after your plant has been submerged in water for some time.

FAQ for Beet Microgreens

How long does it take for indoor beet microgreens to grow?

The plants are ready to harvest in 11-21 days, so you’ll need to taste them daily to find the perfect flavor. You need to wait an additional 7-10 days for the true leaf variety.

What is the best way to eat beet microgreens?

Eat them straight after harvesting as a beautiful garnish or add more flavor to salads. They are tasty and very nutritious.

How to harvest beet microgreens correctly?

Eight hours before harvesting, you should stop watering your beets. Doing this will reduce the amount of water on the plants and be less likely to have mold issues, especially if they will be stored. After that, trim the bright stems until they are close to the soil, but not so close that you pick up soil bits. When your plants are ready to eat, cut them close to the soil so that you only touch the soil.

How to store beet microgreens?

After harvest, you can store dried cherries in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator for up to a week. However, if they are moist, dab them lightly between two paper towels and place them between the two towels.

What do beet microgreens taste like?

Beet microgreens have a slightly earthy taste, with a hint of pepper. Their vibrant color makes them a great addition to dishes. If you haven’t tried them yet, we recommend using this guide, and you will be pleasantly surprised.