
If you like gardening, then you’ve found the right place. Lettuce Be Farmers is open to all types of gardeners. Whether you’re an apartment resident with an affection for houseplants, a novice gardener who just wants to plant some vegetables, or a master gardener who wants to learn how to turn your harvest into delicious meals, everyone is welcome here.

We know how it feels to have dirt between your fingers. We know how exciting it can be to see a seedling or blossom for the very first time, and we know how good it tastes to bite into that fresh fruit that you picked from your own garden. That’s why our goal is simple: we want you to get to experience these things too.

Gardening is a ton of fun! We want to help you have a better time by visiting our site. If you leave with a new idea, a better understanding of something, or the motivation to finally do the project in your garden that you’ve been putting off, then we have succeeded in what we set out to do.