Which Plants Grow Best In Hydroponics

by Lettuce Be | Last Updated: 02/16/2022

If you’ve ever wondered how to make indoor gardening less dirty, hydroponics might be the answer. An indoor hydroponic garden can help you have more consistent fall and winter gardening, and you can grow practically anything you can imagine. Hydroponics is a common method of growing greens since it avoids land erosion, difficult climates, and the necessity of a large water reservoir.

However, some popular plants are more adapted to hydroponic farming than others, and some variants within plant species do better than others. Some varieties require more effort because they are vining plants like pole beans, that require trellises and vertical space. Clay pebbles, coir, perlite, or gravel are frequently used to support the roots of larger plants like hydroponic tomatoes.

Traditional methods are best for root crops with extensive root systems like potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, onion, and garlic. When hydroponic growers start with compact plants like lettuce and gain confidence in their system, they are more likely to attempt others.


Basil is an excellent hydroponically grown herb that may be started from seeds or cuttings. Basil is a fast-growing plant that can reach harvestable size in a hydroponic setup in as little as 28 days. Some basil kinds do better in water than others, and because of the higher crop yield, it’s frequently preferable to choose a faster-growing variety.

Newton and Prospera are two of the greatest fast-growing basil kinds to plant. Newton is a uniform type with a characteristic Italian flavor found in many pasta sauces as well as Fusarium resistance, whilst Prospera has a uniform growth pattern but is also resistant to downy mildew. Everleaf and Elidia are wonderful choices if you’re patient and want to try a slow-growing variety for classic flavors.

Basil that is cultivated hydroponically is similar to basil that is grown in the ground. To avoid any problems, use a liquid fertilizer that is recommended for hydroponic basil and ensure that the plant has adequate ventilation around it. Other suggestions include:

Regular pruning with sanitized shears
Providing enough supplemental lighting and warmth
Choosing the right system for basil


Because they prefer warm temperatures, peppers are especially well-suited to hydroponic systems. What is the significance of this? Growing peppers plants without soil allow you to harvest and enjoy them during the fall and winter months when they can’t be cultivated outside. Best of all, they have fewer insect and disease concerns than soil-grown plants.

To develop properly, different pepper kinds will require varying amounts of garden space between them. Bell peppers, for example, need to be 18 to 24 inches apart even in a hydroponic system, whereas chili peppers just need half that. Hydroponic peppers require 14 to 18 hours of plenty of light per day to grow big and strong, with the remainder used for a night cycle. For ideal pepper growth, we recommend using either a deep water culture or an ebb & flow system.

Between 50 and 80 days, hydroponic-grown peppers are normally ripe and ready to harvest. You can space out your crop by planting multiple sets a few weeks apart so that they mature at different periods.


Leaf lettuce can be grown hydroponically from seeds or cuttings, just like basil. You can try to convert ones planted in soil into a hydroponic system in most cases, but the transition may be tough, and you’ll need to make sure you rinse off all of the soil from the plant and roots before putting it in.

Over the years, lettuce has evolved into over a thousand different types. Those with a higher growth rate and more disease resistance are appropriate for hydroponic gardening, such as Butterhead, Little gem and Romaine.

Hydroponic lettuce is easy to cultivate and one of the fastest-growing plants for hydroponics. It also pairs well with other leafy greens and herbs that have comparable nutrient requirements, such as basil, spinach, arugula, and mint. When harvesting lettuce from a hydroponic system, it’s preferable to use the same approach you would if you were collecting lettuce from your garden. Crop the outer leaves first, as needed once they’ve reached maturity, to let the inner leaves to continue to grow and extend your harvest.


Oregano can be grown hydroponically from seeds or cuttings, although gardeners prefer seeds since the plants that emerge are more faithful to the variety. The seeds normally germinate in one to two weeks, and harvesting can begin once the plants reach approximately six inches in height.

Oregano should be plucked after flower buds form, whether cultivated on soil or in fresh water, because this is when the flavor is at its peak. To encourage your herb to keep growing (and this includes basil! ), use the pinching method for harvesting to keep your plants from becoming too tall and lanky.

Remember that oregano thrives in direct sunshine, therefore even in a hydroponic system, bright, ample light of several hours per day will suffice. You can also buy grow lights or artificial lighting to help if you don’t have enough sunshine in your home.


Rosemary is a herb with a poor germination rate, so while you may grow it from seed in hydroponic systems, you’re better off using cuttings if you want your hydroponic plants to survive. Rosemary is a slow-growing herb that can take up to fifteen months to be ready to harvest and years to reach full growth. This timetable makes starting from cuttings much more appealing, as the plants will already be larger than if you started from seed.

Indoor growing of rosemary will receive at least 11 hours of light. To avoid burning, make sure the artificial lights are bright and indirect when growing in a well-lit room. You can begin harvesting once the plants have established themselves in your system. To encourage fuller plants, it’s recommended that you prune and pick rosemary plants weekly.


Another fantastic houseplant to grow in water is the pothos variety, which thrives best when started from cuttings. They can live for years in water if they are properly cared for. Growing them in water can even be preferred because they’re resilient like spider plants and like a lot of humidity.

Because you won’t normally grow houseplants in a hydroponic system, you’ll need to change the water every now and then to refill the oxygen and ensure that the plant roots get all of the nutrients they require. You’ll also want to keep an eye out for algae in the container (both for spider plants and pothos!). It’s ideal to pick something transparent so you can keep an eye on the surroundings.

Spider plant

Hydroponically grown houseplants are also possible! When produced from a pup developed on the parent plant, spider plants don’t require a complex hydroponic growing system and frequently grow better with a continuous supply of water. But why should a houseplant be grown in nutrient-rich water? You might be tempted to cultivate common vegetables and herbs in oxygenated water for the same reasons. It reduces soil debris, lowers the chance of overwatering, and allows you to provide the plant more consistent care.

Spider plants thrive in both nutrient-filled water and soil, requiring only a moderate amount of natural light or indirect sunlight and water with the occasional addition of nutrients. They don’t mind what temperature it is as long as it isn’t too humid or too cool temperatures. Keep in mind that some tap water has a lot of chlorine in it, which isn’t good for plants. If you don’t have a water filter, leave the water out for a night or two before adding the plant.

Growing compact crops and herbs indoors in hydroponic systems is a terrific way to have fresh produce all year, especially as the growing season comes to an end in the fall. You can select a system based on the amount of area you want to commit to indoor gardening. A wide variety of houseplants and other hydroponic crops reduce mess while offering consistent care during the off-season. Many of the aspects that can boost plant growth such as the pH level of the water, fertilizer requirements, amount and type of light, and so on. Ideal conditions can be better managed in a hydroponic system for faster growth. Hydroponic systems are worth considering if you enjoy growing plants inside with little gardening space.