What Do You Need For Hydroponics

by Lettuce Be | Last Updated: 08/07/2021

Your decision to try a hydroponic growing system is a great one! If you have made this big decision, you probably need to know what steps to take next. The best thing you can do is to look at the hydroponic system options. Before you begin, you may find it helpful to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts and terms surrounding hydroponic gardening. You should be familiar with those hydroponic terms and concepts after reading this quick guide.

Top Choices for Hydroponic Systems

things needed for hydroponicsA variety of pre-built hydroponic systems are available from hydroponic equipment dealers. Your decision depends on what works best for you, but consider the size, crop output, and maintenance requirements. If you’re entering the world of hydroponics for the first time, purchase a small system to get an idea of what to expect.

You can choose from the following system types:

Also, if you’re handy, you might consider making a DIY hydroponic system! Books and online construction guides are available.

Hydroponic Mediums

Plants can access nutrients from the soil during traditional gardening. Hydroponic farming uses growing media, usually an inert medium, replaces soil and promotes a fast plant growth rate. Due to their shallow root systems, some plants do not need growing mediums. The roots are not drowned as nutrient water aerates sufficiently in some hydroponic systems, thereby avoiding the need for a growing medium.

These are some of the most popular hydroponic growing mediums:

Hydroponic Tools You’ll Need

The equipment requirements for nearly every hydroponic system are similar. The items may not be included in kit purchases, but you can purchase them separately.

 Relevant FAQs

How to get started in hydroponics?

Figuring out how it works, choosing a system, what leafy greens to grow, and even how to grow are all needed to begin.

What is Hydroponics?

Hydroponics is the technique of plant growth by using only nutrient-rich water and a growing medium.

What are the benefits of hydroponic gardening?

The greatest benefit of hydroponic gardening is the massively increased growth rate and crop yield of most healthy plants.

What is the difference between a hybrid and non-hybrid?

When they struggle less to find pockets of water or nutrition than they would in garden soils, they can divert that energy to better growth.

What are the biggest downsides of hydroponics?

The biggest con of hydroponics is the cost of buying a system.

What is the difference between organic gardening and hydroponics?

In hydroponics, you will create an artificial environment where you provide the water, nutrients, light, and everything else the plant needs, which means you also need to monitor those inputs.

What if the water pump dies?

If you have an equipment failure like a pump failure, then you can put your entire garden at risk.​